5 important aspects of a healthy relationship?

What is the base of a healthy relationship? How can you determine if things are perfectly fine between you and your partner? Let's ponder over 5 points that impart the foundation of a good relationship, and the absence of them calls for a relational life therapy . 1. Trust- Love and trust are two wheels of a cycle, and the absence of anyone would imbalance the whole thing. Spending a happy life becomes impossible if you or your partner have trust concerns with each other. Nurturing trust is any relationship is like planting a seed that develops after you give a considerable amount of time, faith, and love to it. When you are in true love, there is no need to hide anything from each other. 2. Loyalty- If you are getting caught away by your beautiful colleague's thoughts or wish to flirt with an old ex, a loyalty breach is on the cards. Love and loyalty go together and generates an unbreakable bond. If you are getting distracted towards other temporary attractions ...